Harnidh's birthday
giving list!
if you love me, support free speech, independent journalism, and avenues of protest, collaboration, dissent, and celebration!It's my 28th birthday, and I'd be SO HAPPY to have you bring it in with me by giving a small amount to organizations that ensure you and I have access to the ability to question and create.If you can, please send me a receipt or confirmation when you donate! Write to me about why you chose the place you donated or subscribed to.
Portals I love
(that accept donations!)
Khabar LahariyaVelivadaFora NetworkThe Polis ProjectPeople's Archive of Rural IndiaWikimedia FoundationMaktoob MediaThe Centre for Internet and SocietyInternet Freedom FoundationSafeCityAlt NewsThe Wire
Portals i love
(that you can buy yourself or me subscriptions to!)
(if you're getting me anything, [email protected])ScrollThe Caravan MagazineEconomic and Political WeeklyThe Morning Context
Add your own!
If you think a portal needs to be here, tell me! Write to me to add to this list. Specifically looking for places doing work in Asia and MENA and pushing for women's access to online spaces. Thank you!